The Front Porch Community

Welcome friends!

I'm glad you've decided to join The Ingredient Guru Community. Before you get started in the group there are a few guidelines for you to be aware of:

The Ingredient Guru, The Pantry Principle, and Nutrition Reset were created by Mira Dessy, Certified Nutrition Educator and Board Certified Holistic Health Practitioner to support families and individuals who want to reduce the chemical additives and toxin exposures in their food and their environment. As such this group is for those who want information to support them as they clean up the chemicals in their diet, switch to a "real food" diet, and/or are looking for support as they make choices and changes related to nutrition, lifestyle, and health.

There is no diet dogma here and I do not advocate any particular diet over any other. In this community we accept that everyone is at a different point on their path and we are all bio-individual with unique needs. I ask that you respect those who may have a different opinion or experience than you.

This group is a safe, nurturing place to share information of interest regarding food, nutrition, food safety, food policy, holistic health strategies, a wide variety of health topics, and current events as they relate to any of these topics.

The Front Porch

  • 258 members
  • 349 posts
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